I’ve done a series of premium tutorials for Sky & Telescope. They were live streamed, but you can still purchase them and stream them anytime.

Deep Sky Astrophotography – First Principles

Deep Sky Astrophotography – First Principles
In this webinar I cover the basics of astrophotography, optics and camera fundamentals and the how/why of stacking. My focus is primarily on how to get good data.
Sky & Telescope Link

Deep Sky Astrophotography – Best Practices
In this followup webinar, I get deeper into getting good data, review the importance of proper image calibration, and good overall practices while imaging.
Sky & Telescope Link


Which camera is right for me?

Choosing a camera for Astrophotography
There are a myriad of options when it comes to picking a camera for astrophotography. What do all those specifications mean that marketing folks like to toss about, and how do you pair a good camera choice to your optics? These questions and more are addressed.
Sky & Telescope Link




PixInsight – quick start

PixInsight Bootcamp: Image Calibration and Stacking
Mostly I like to focus on getting good data, but I finally caved to some friend pressure and did a webinar on PixInsight image processing. In this one I cover completely from scratch, how to get your raw data calibrated and stacked ready for prettying up. I take a turbo route and get you going in only an hour in a way anyone can duplicate with either mono or color data.
Sky & Telescope Link

PixInsight Bootcamp: Creating an Image
A follow on to the above webinar, I take you from a calibrated and stacked raw file to something “pretty”. We cover some noise control, stretching, color tweaks inside PixInsight.
Sky & Telescope Link